50-for-50: Trina Marvin, Basketball, Track & Field 1978-80
In 2021 LB celebrates the 50-year anniversary of its athletics program. Beginning in January, we will highlight people, teams and moments from the past five decades of Roadrunner Athletics. You can nominate a former athlete, coach, team, supporter or memorable moment from LB Athletics using this form.
The Early Years: 1969-1979
Trina Marvin, Basketball and Track & Field 1978-80
Marvin, a Lebanon High School product, initially headed to University of Oregon to play softball and participate in track & field, but left after the Fall term. She landed at Linn-Benton and over the course of her two years participated in volleyball, basketball, track & field and softball, which LB launched as a club sport.
Marvin earned all-America honors as a javelin and discuss thrower, finishing 4th in the javelin at the NJCAA National Championships in 1979 and 1980. Marvin's performance was the highest finish ever for a female Roadrunner at the NJCAA's.
She also was a starter on the basketball team and among the team's leading scorers and helped lead the Roadrunners to a 13-3 record and a second place finish in the OCCAA in 1980.
Depsite her success in track & field, basketball and volleyball, Marvin's first love was softball. After leaving LB she transferred to Oregon State and starred as a pitcher for the Beavers' softball program. Marvin still holds the Beavers' pitching records for season (0.26) and career (0.52) ERA. She also pitched the Beavers' second-ever no hitter in 1982 in a 1-0 victoroy over Portland State.