Southwick 50

50-for-50: Donna Karling (Southwick), Gymnastics 1975-76

In 2021 LB celebrates the 50-year anniversary of its athletics program. Beginning in January, we will highlight people, teams and moments from the past five decades of Roadrunner Athletics. You can nominate a former athlete, coach, team, suppter or memorable moment from LB Athletics using this form

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The Early Years: 1969-1979

Donna Karling (Southwick), Gymnastics 1974-76

Donna Karling (Southwick, Alarcon Elizondo) participated in Linn-Benton's inaugural year of competition in women's gymnastics during the 1975-76 academic year. The Roadrunners claimed the 1976  National Junior College Athletic Association (NJCAA) championship behind Southwick's All-Around individual championship. 

She was recruited out of Anchorage, Alaska to become part of the Roadrunner program by coach Arlene Crosman after the two got to know each other at various gymnastics camps in the Pacific Northwest while Southwick was in high school. Southwick won the Alaska All-Around state title her senior year. 

Southwick transferred to Oregon State after LB and became the Beavers first all-American when she earned the honor on the uneven bars at the 1977 AIAW National Championships. She was the first female athlete to obtain an athletic scholarship at Oregon State University.

Southwick OSU
Southwick became OSU's first all-American.